BaseX started off as a university research project. Its development has continuously been accompanied and documented by publications, conference articles and PhD, master and bachelor theses.
On this page, you find links to the full texts of various papers and theses published by past and current members of the BaseX team.
Conferences, Workshops
- Wörteler, Grossniklaus, Grün, Scholl; DBPL, October 2015:
- Kircher, Grossniklaus, Grün, Scholl; ICDE, April 2015:
- Mahlow, Grün, Holupirek, Scholl; DocEng, September 2012:
- Gath, Grün, Holupirek, Scholl; INEX 2009 (Pre-Proceedings):
- Grün, Gath, Holupirek, Scholl; XSym/VLDB, August 2009:
- Holupirek, Grün, Scholl; EDBT (Demo Track), March 2009:
- Holupirek, Scholl; PhD WS/VLDB, August 2008:
- Holupirek, Scholl; GI Workshop, August 2008:
- Holupirek, Grün, Scholl; BTW/GI, 2007:
- Grün, Holupirek, Scholl; BTW (Demo Track)/GI, 2007:
- Grün, Holupirek, Kramis, Scholl, Waldvogel; EXPDB/Sigmod, June 2006:
- Grün; GI Workshop, June 2006:
PhD Theses
- Holupirek, 2012:
- Grün, 2010:
Master Theses
- Seydi Gheranghiyeh, 2015:
- Kirsten, 2014:
- Kircher, 2013:
- Seiferle, 2013:
- Lewandowski, 2012:
- Shadura, 2012
- Popov, 2012
- Gath, 2009:
Bachelor Theses
- Schuler, 2015:
- Erat, 2013:
- Kircher, 2010: