- Many new internal XQuery Modules have been added, and existing
  ones have been revised to ensure long-term stability of your future
  XQuery applications: docs.basex.org/wiki/Module_Library

- A new powerful Command API is provided to specify BaseX commands
  and scripts as XML: docs.basex.org/wiki/Commands

- The full-text fuzzy index was extended to also support wildcard
  queries: docs.basex.org/wiki/Full-Text

- The XQuery 3.0 simple map operator gives you a compact syntax to
  process items of sequences: docs.basex.org/wiki/XQuery_3.0

- BaseX as Web Application can now start its own server instance:

- All command-line options will now be executed in the given order:

- Charles Foster's latest XQJ Driver supports XQuery 3.0 and the
  Update and Full Text extensions: xqj.net/basex/

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