BaseX 11.7 is our new release that brings you closer to the next major version.
The most exciting change is support for ordered maps: Generated maps will preserve the order in which entries are inserted, making it easier to recognize, organize and compare map contents.
Here are the most significant other changes:
- [ADD] New Pipeline operator “->”
- [ADD] XQuery 3.1 function (finally) fn:load-xquery-module
- [ADD] New functions: fn:siblings, fn:type-of, fn:elements-to-maps
- [ADD] New parse functions: fn:parse-csv, fn:parse-html
- [ADD] HTML parsing: Support for both TagSoup and
- [MOD] Better readable serialization of doubles, maps and arrays
- [MOD] Store functions: only read if contents have changed
- [MOD] RESTXQERRORS option: if disabled, write error to logs
- [FIX] RESTXQ: Correct handling of query and form parameters
For a preview of the upcoming 12 features, please visit the following page…
…and have a look at our homepage to download the latest version:
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